Posted by on 8 Apr 2013 in Theology |

Photo Source: by Drew Palko

Photo Source: by Drew Palko

Jesus gave us the example of servant leadership, to lead by serving and doing. He told his disciples the greatest in the kingdom must become the servant of all.

A servant can be defined by obligation and duty or by dedication and love. Jesus didn’t go around doing good and healing those that were oppressed because he felt obligated but because of his concern and compassion for them.

The example Jesus gave us is to be a servant, not out of obligation, but because of genuine dedication to the one being served. His servant leadership was so much more than washing the disciples feet. We see Jesus touching people’s lives, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He gave of himself. He literally sacrificed himself.

Jesus said he would only do and say what his father in heaven showed him. Jesus manifest the nature, the character, the heart of the Father by his love for others. Love compelled him to sacrifice and to give of himself. And He said people will know His followers by their love for others.

Because God is love.

We learn by example and are led by example. A servant leader knows that only by serving can one truly lead and teach and inspire. So what example of servant leadership are you following?