Posted by on 18 Nov 2013 in Theology |

What builds your confidence in God? Here are three things that can build our confidence in God’s grace, provision, and love toward us. These are lessons I am learning everyday, and the stories in the Bible are for our example.

Photo Source: by Laura V

Photo Source: by Laura V


1. Overcoming Insurmountable Odds

Without him it won’t happen. Look at the children of Israel at the start if their nation, coming out of slavery in Egypt. They faced insurmountable odds and time after time God came through for them. They faced 400 years of slavery – it was they only life they had ever known. And they overcame the super-power nation of their day. And they overcome insurmountable odds coming through the desert and overtaking the nations already in the promised land.

2. Supernatural Provision and Blessing

Sometimes when we have insurmountable odds God comes through with supernatural provision and blessing. When the children of Israel were wandering in the desert, God provided manna from heaven day by day. When they needed shelter from the burning sun, God provided a cloud by day that covered the people. When they needed water, he provided water. When they needed to know how to work with metal and carpentry and other labor skills, God downloaded it into them and supernaturally gave them abilities where they had no knowledge or training perviously.

3. The Testimony of Others

When we overcome those insurmountable odds or we receive God’s supernatural provision he depends on us to share that with others. God told the people to tell their story to their children and their children’s children. God had them set up piles of stones as memorials so when their children asked, what are these stacked up here for, they could tell the story. Sometimes the breakthrough didn’t happen for us, but when we see that it can happen for others we then have the faith to believe if can happen for us.

Do you have a story to share?