Posted by on 11 Nov 2013 in Theology |

Photo Source: by Simeon Hughes

Photo Source: by Simeon Hughes

I’m not one who often prays the promises of God back to him. But if I was to pick one it would be this: God promises to dwell with me.

In the Old Testament law God promised that He would be their god if they would be his people, and he would dwell with them. (Leviticus 26:11-12).

That’s an awesome promise. And one I’ll take any day. It reminds me of something Jesus told his disciples in John 14. He was trying to prepare them for his death. And he was trying to tell them that things were going to be different when he was gone

The chapter starts off with Jesus saying not to fear, to not be troubled. Even though he was going away he was preparing a place for them, preparing a place for us, a way for us to be with him. And in the context of the situation Jesus is not talking (just) about the by and by – heaven when we die.

In the Father’s house there are many rooms, not just rooms, but mansions, according to some translations. And we’ve used this to build a framework of heaven as mansions in the sky, and a life of leisure, living the lifestyles of the rich and famous, for ever and ever, Amen.

But Jesus was preparing them for his death. He was about to go away in a public and shocking way. Their world was about to be ripped from them and flipped up side down. He was trying to give them comfort and peace, not for a future in heaven some day, but for here and now, for the rest of their lives.

I am going away, he said, but I won’t leave you comfortless, I and my Father we will make our abode with you. So don’t be afraid. Be at peace. We will dwell with you, not someday in mansions in the sky, but now in your time of sorrow, and confusion, and need.

And that’s a promise I’ll claim any day.