Posted by on 20 Feb 2013 in Personal |

There are approximately two million bloggers out there who have each written about ten thousand more blog entries than I have (I know – I Googled it). So what does this say about me?

Photo Source: by Scott Foster

Photo Source: by Scott Foster

I’m coming to the game late. I’ve always wanted to write because I love reading and I love words. I Iove the way thoughts can magically transfer from one mind to another across time and space – how someone else’s thought can get into your brain so it becomes indistinguishable from your own. Someone in the future will read this and think to themselves, yeah I’ve never thought about if that way. And I have succeeded as a writer.

My wife says she’s my number one fan, and I joke that she’s my only fan (I actually have two. Thanks, Mom.) She says it’s just because all my other fans are out there waiting to become my fans. So I’m reading some of these 4 trillion blog entries out there like Michael Hyatt‘s on building your “platform” and Seth Godin‘s on marketing and building your “tribe.” But I still find it hard to actually sit down and write.

My secret: I’m a procrastinator who doubts that what I have to say is unique enough that people will actually want to read it. That’s a bad combination for productivity.

I’ve heard the trick to being a writer is to actually sit down and write. Consistently. I’ve always approached it haphazardly. I’d write an assignment for school, for a contest, to make a deadline, to put down the well reasoned and insightful things I should have said in the heat of that moment, or just to get the thoughts jumbling around in my head out of there so I could focus on something else. And hopefully along the way I’ve been able to enlighten, to teach, and to entertain.

So I’ve committed to three blog entries a week. Consistently.

To my readers now and yet to come, thank’s for stopping by. Here’s to something magical happening.